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­Shining the light on our values

Our values

At Goodmans, we have a clear set of values underpinning everything we do. Yes, we know this is something you’ll hear from pretty much every business out there. But our values aren’t just a bunch of words we put up on our website or hang up on the wall just to show we care. They really are integral to who we are and what we do!

Here’s a closer look at our four core values.

1.    Client experience is everything

If we had a mantra, this would be it. Our job is all about empowering our clients to define and achieve their goals, transforming their lives for the better. That’s what good financial planning is – not returns on money or investments, but returns on life.

Let’s be clear that when we say ‘client experience’, we mean two things. 

First, we want everyone we deal with to come away satisfied, knowing we’re going above and beyond to get them the best outcomes. It’s impeccable client service or bust, not just at the start but as time goes on. Having an open-door policy means clients can get support whenever they need us, not just when they’re scheduled for a review. 

Second, we want to help our clients to experience their best lives. That’s why we’re here, it’s really as simple as that. 

For us, client relationships are never just transactional, and we enjoy fostering our client community. As well as social events, there’s our print magazine, Unleashed, which celebrates client stories, and the annual Goodmans adventure – a bucket-list experience for and with our clients. The first was a walking trip in Iceland and we’re planning a hike through Italy’s Dolomites for 2023. 

So it means the world to us to achieve a Net Promotor Score of +96% – a universal measure that demonstrates our clients are extremely happy with us and our service. Having our clients as our biggest advocates is the best badge of honour we could hope for.

2.    Long-term relationships matter

Many of our clients have been with us for years, often decades. It’s something we’re really proud of and work hard to maintain. For a lot of clients, we’re now looking after the next generations too.

After all, financial planning is not a set-and-forget exercise. Over time, many things will change – your situation, the tax and investment climate, your family, your needs, your goals… To do our job properly, we need to check in regularly with our clients and make sure their financial plans stay on track as life evolves. 

Similarly, most of our staff have been with us for some time and grown with us, and we’re committed to building the next generation of leadership from within. While it makes business sense to keep and enhance the skillset of good employees, it also means our clients can get to know the team and benefit from the highest quality service and expertise.

3.    Optimistic growth mentality

As a team and a business, we look forward to the future with confidence and enthusiasm, encouraging and empowering our clients to do the same.

We find that when clients first come to us, they’re often feeling worried and quite pessimistic about the future. It’s our goal to turn that around, showing them how it’s possible to achieve what they want from life so they can leave our meeting full of hope and enthusiasm. 

Even when markets are down and things are tough, we’ll focus on the positives and never falter from a sensible and informed investment approach that delivers over the long term. And when it comes to our future as a business, we’re always looking to innovate and remain on track for sustainable growth.

4.    All rowing in the same direction

Staff and clients alike, we’re all committed to doing what’s right and are on the same wavelength when it comes to what really matters in life. 

Not everyone is a candidate to work for Goodmans and not everyone is a suitable client. And that’s ok. We’ve taken care to curate a team of likeminded, talented professionals – who live and breathe all the values above – to make up the Goodmans business. And we have a close community of clients who believe and trust in what we do for them.

Together we’re here to support each other in being the best we can be and enjoying the lives we deserve.

That’s the true value of Goodmans.

Want to know more? Get in touch.

Fernanda de Gouveia