
Team Spotlight: Clare Simmons, Service Manager

Written by Fernanda de Gouveia | Jan 24, 2023 2:09:30 PM

Based in our Exeter office, Clare joined our client service team in early 2020 with more than 15 years’ experience in finance. It didn’t take long to recognise Clare’s wealth of knowledge and for her to become a valued asset to the business. So in 2022, Clare took on a secondment as Head of Client Service, helping us welcome two new team members to the fold.  

As client experience is everything at Goodmans, our Service Managers play a vital role. As well as making sure our clients have all the contact and administrative support they need, Clare and her team collate and process information for our Financial Planners and Paraplanners, helping everything run efficiently and professionally.  

Clare also has a creative eye, enjoying crafting her own mugs and t-shirts, with a side-line selling prom dresses and evening gowns in her spare time. A multi-tasker indeed! Time to ask her some questions.  

Hi Clare, no surprises here with the usual opener: how would you describe your work in three words?  

Challenging, varied and rewarding.

That sounds like a pretty good summary of a very busy role. How about your proudest moment at Goodmans to date?  

I have two moments that stand out for me.

First, when I was asked to stay when I handed in my notice (I was looking to lessen my commute and work closer to home). I stayed because Goodman’s provided me with a flexible work option which I couldn’t turn down. It also confirmed to me that I was a valued member of the team, which was a proud moment indeed.

The second was when I was seconded to be Head of Client Service. It was an honour to be offered the role and have the opportunity to share my knowledge and experiences to an evolving, growing team. And not everyone can say they love their job, I’m very lucky there.

It’s so important for a business to recognise the value of their people and appreciate how flexibility can benefit everyone. Can you tell us what keeps you smiling at work every day? 

Being kept busy and knowing I have contributed to a client’s goals and aspirations.  

There’s no shortage of that in your role. Moving on to your interests, what's on your reading or listening list now?  

I don’t have time to read books, crafting keeps me busy, and I find it a good way to unwind and chill out. However, I do enjoy listening to music – the louder the better! You can normally hear me before you see me in the car, currently reliving the 80s and 90s music eras.

Get the earplugs out, Devon! So what keeps you busy when you’re not rocking out in the car or working? 

I have my own business selling prom and evening gowns, which keeps me busy in the evenings and weekends. If it sparkles, I have to have it, especially shoes! I also enjoy time with my family. I’ve recently passed my full motorcycle test, so the husband and I spend time out on the road whenever we can. We’ve also joined a motorcycle group and attend their rides every so often, including charity rides.  

We can see you as a cool, yet sparkly, biker chick! This one’s always a tricky one: what do you think is the best thing about the South West?  

For me, it’s the moors and the coastlines – we’re spoilt with such wonderful scenery and I’d say you appreciate it more the older you get… especially now I’m a biker!

That must give you a different perspective on our beautiful countryside! How about a quote or phrase that goes through life with you? 

Don’t ask someone to do something you’re not prepared to do yourself. Also, speak to people how you expect to be spoken to.

Sound advice and definitely in keeping with your no-nonsense, hard-working ways. Next question: who is your hero and why?

I don’t have one. I believe if you want something in life, you have to go and get it, it will not just come to you!

Be your own hero, we like it!  So if you could give your younger self one piece of advice what would it be? 

Stand up for yourself more.

Thank you, Clare, refreshingly honest as always and lovely to spend some time with you.  

See our other Team Spotlights